Current Exhibition
03.09.2023 - 03.09 2024


Art x Shift was founded by artists Ah-young Jeon and Zach Roberts to act as a space that both facilitates their creative visions and includes the public as a major participant.
The artist's interests in education, artistic autonomy, and community engagement all become adapted into a system they created to work in a way that allows for the creative liberty they desire.
The brand ArtxShift represents a change currently present in the larger art world of artists becoming less reliant on traditional ways of sharing artworks and ideas as well as a move towards more autonomous methods of sustaining artistic endeavors.
The artist's aim is to develop new systems that help reinforce artistic independence. Their programs and exhibits are in line with a philosophy of inclusivity that strengthens the audience's role in all ongoing projects allowing for positive exchanges.
Art x Shift's core mission is to reimagine the roles and responsibilities that artists have, to manifest and interact with the public in new and more direct ways.